Acha Waqat | Editorial Policy

We at are here with the clear mission of providing you with all possible resources in the field of medical and health sciences. We are glad to be the internet’s trusted source in this regard. Achieving this type of trust from the internet is a great achievement. Indeed, the readership by respectable medical practitioners and students are behind this success of

We have accomplished this readership by following several standards. We are highly careful about presenting information which is free, detailed, and updated. The content of this website is objective oriented. We focus on using clear and concise language to help you in the domain of healthcare.

It is worthy of mentioning that the information available on this site has high levels of accuracy. In fact, we have linkages with different publishers around the world. These publishers provide us with licensing agreements. In the case of referring different kinds of drugs, we completely depend on the reputation of the suppliers.

On, you can get access to the hot topics in medical and health sciences. In addition to such updates, our editorial policy also includes providing you with different books. Therefore, you can find free versions of books. So, if you are an MBBS, nursing or dental/BDS student, this website can be your complete guide.

As the editors of, we ensure to make our website user-friendly to a greater extent. In fact, the navigation is very easy so that you can easily access other relevant databases and websites. This editorial policy will give you a reflection of our editorial efforts.

Editorial Team

Our editorial team comprises a group of competent medical professionals. We are pursuing a medical career and taking out time to contribute to So that the general public and medical students can benefit from our effort. The members of the editorial board are present in different parts of the world.

They are serving humanity through their medical expertise. Also, they are giving their intellectual contributions to for educating medical students. In a more specific manner, these members of the editorial board are from Nepal, Bangladesh, U.S.A, Australia etc.

Editors of this website are constantly engaged in finding the current topics to initiate discussion on. They are writing book reviews and descriptions for helping you in selecting the best books. Besides this, they are providing important information on medical colleges.

Editorial Reliability

Objective Oriented Material

We aim to provide you with the best knowledge you are looking for. Yes, that means we are using objective oriented and trustworthy content in the field of medical and health sciences. On the daily basis, we are focusing on ensuring that becomes your practical guide. Also, we have a goal to give you relevant content helping you in your education or professional carrier. Also, another additional compartment is the ‘Living Healthy’ section. It includes different dimensions e.g. diet, food and fitness, updates on COVID-19, health tips, relationship matters, and healthy beauty.

Vast Range of Topics

We protect our editorial integrity by covering a wide range of topics in health. We are committed to giving you information on medical colleges, Auscultation, surgical procedures, cases, medically significant facts, and the latest news. In addition to these, we include content on motivation, poetry and the latest news. Therefore, you can understand the editorial effort behind such vast dimensions.

Your Satisfaction: Our Goal

We, as editors strictly avoid individual-specific topics. For example, an anomalous health condition might not be applicable to you. Therefore, the topics included are all-encompassing. It is up to you to decide what to read from the complete website. Because for us, you and your preference matter the most!

Never Disregard a Medical Care

Another consideration in editorial policy is taking care of the facts. Though we ensure the accuracy of the content provided. However, we do not suggest you rely on it solely. It can be a good source of information for you. Yet we do not claim that it will work as a replacement for professional medical care. Therefore, read to educate yourself but never ignore medical diagnosis and treatment.

Editorial Choice of Unique Content

We as editors follow a standard procedure and number of factors to select a certain topic for you. The criteria followed by as is as follows:

Relevance of Topic with Medical & Health Sciences

At, we are aiming to aid the topics in terms of their relevance. They are purely related to your and your family’s health. Therefore, you will see the latest news, alerts, adversaries, commentaries etc. All the content is related to managing disease and gaining good health.

Clinical Importance

We only include the medical material which is highly relevant and accurate. By this, we mean that the material is often published in the ISI indexed peer-reviewed journals. That is why you will find citations of these papers in our blogs, news alerts etc.

Trending Topics

We understand the significance of ‘trending topics’ in 2021. That is why we are highly focusing on different topics that have current significance. For example COVID-19, Healthy Heart Month, Allergy Seasons, Breast Cancer Awareness Month etc. The major aim is to cover your fitness, living, nutrition, and disease prevention.

The Uniqueness of the Content

The content present at is different from other medical websites. Often medical sites are outdated. However, we the editorial team of, understand the changing times affecting medical and health sciences. Therefore, we focus on the addition of outclassing and updated material. Therefore, you will see how the news and alerts section presents the most recent medical event. The editors are very careful to provide you with unique yet perfect content. This uniqueness of content is due to the following factors

Editorial Freedom

Editors from the medical field are given full freedom to provide you with the best content. However, they are also given the advice to stick to the relevant and distinguishing information.

Editorial Competence

With great efforts, we are moving towards the achievement of journalistic excellence.  We are strictly reviewing the information by validating from books, journals, websites etc.

Editorial Process | A Glimpse

We are glad to share with you the stepwise process involved in editorial tasks. We are scheduling the articles in a careful and active manner. After medical officers forward us the material, we seek the help of the Senior Medical Editor in reviewing it. In this regard, the Senior Medical Editor may give his valuable comment in making the content reader-friendly. In that case, we ask our physicians to revise it according to the comments. The management at is responsible for the management of the workflow. So, in the end, the medically sound and reader-friendly articles make it to the

Another important consideration at is clear English. Thanks to our Editors from U.S.A and Australia. They often check the English of the articles and correct them. Also, we are using a number of paid tools to make our articles SEO friendly. We hope you will be interested in the general workflow. Therefore, we are sharing this workflow with you for more clarity.

Stage I | Development of the Content

This is the first step in the editorial process. In this step, we ask our medical writers, senior medical editors, and medical illustrators to develop the content. If they are using any previously published material then we ask for different types of additions or required deletions. Our competent medical illustrators often help in converting the textual knowledge into image form. After all these steps are fulfilled, we initiate the second stage of the editorial process.

Stage II | Reviewing of the Content by MRB

We have linage with the Medical Review Board (MRB). MRB comprises medical experts. We send the final articles, blogs, news, alerts, etc to these members. These members check the material for medical facts. They enter their comments in the online working editorial system. If they suggest accepting the content, we start stage three, otherwise, we go for the corrections as they suggested. In this case, there can be four chances. Members of MRB can either do any of the four actions. They are

  • Direct acceptance
  •  Minor revisions
  • Major revisions
  • Reject and resubmit option
  • Complete rejection

Stage III | Reviewing of the Content by Editorial Team

After clearance of stage two, we switch to stage three. The editorial team at check the content. In this regard, there is a fast check and updating of the references. We have given this responsibility to the senior medical editors and our medical writers. The content checking is done for consistency, grammatical errors, and style.

Stage IV | Producing of the Content

After clearing the previous stages, the content is ready to enter the production stage. At this stage, we do the feeding of the content in the editorial management system. Also, we do coding, tagging and presentation related tasks. We do a quality check for technical and quality aspects in this stage also.

Stage V | Publication of the Content

In the final step of the editorial procedure, we hand over the content to WordPress experts. They set the content as required and publish it on

So, now you can understand, how much effort is exerted behind every blog, article, description, news, alert etc that you see on

The Policy of the Simple Language

Well, if you are a medical practitioner or a PhD in the field of medicine then you may understand the technical language. Rather, you must have authored the books and research items too. However, we at are aiming to use the simple language possible. This is because our audience is not just experts and PhDs but there are readers from undergraduate levels. In fact, we aim for making this material understandable by lay readers. That is why you see all the content very easier and visually pleasing. However, with this, we never compromise the quality of the material.

We advise our medical writer to write the simpler language with short sentence structure, commonly used words and easier construction of overall material. That is why you see most of our material has an engaging tone. We hope you love this feature of We are grateful for your cooperation and readership!

SEO Editorial Rules at

There are some rules, we as the editors of the website are following. You may see the brief version of these rules as follows:

  1. Editors of have the right to change the material present on this website. In fact, they can do it without issuing any prior notice to the owner of the content
  2. Editors possess the sole right of changing or removing the anchor links or anchor texts. These anchor links or anchor texts are usually from guest posts.
  3. We do care about your satisfaction. That is why we are making our website SEO friendly. However, if we find any content harmful to the SEO, then we can delete, review, revise, or edit the content.
  4. We, at, are always eager to follow updates on google. This thing we apply during content writing. If we find any material going bad with the google algorithm, then we must change it. In this case, we can do deletion or revision of the material.
  5. The above rule makes it clear why none of the content on is permanent. Just because we are strictly following the terms and policies of Google.
  6. Since is purely a medical and health science website. Therefore, any material which violates the policy of this website needs to be removed. For example, content based on sexual matters, vulgar aspects, drug addiction like alcoholism etc.  
  7. This is a health site aimed at providing you with all information related to health. In this regard, we will always follow the editorial procedures, policies, guidelines, and rules in a strict manner.

Wrapping Up the Editorial Policy

We are glad to have an intellectual team at They are decent medical professionals. Yet we counsel our contributors at the start of joining this website. We teach them a number of ethics to follow in journalism.

The editorial policy at is up to mark. We hope you will appreciate the efforts of the editorial team in producing good content. However, the growth is never permanent. Neither do we claim perfection. Both medical sciences and medical journalism are growing day by day. Therefore, we look forward to your kind and constructive suggestions and criticism.

You may access us through the ‘Contact Us’ page of our website. Or maybe you come across an individual article and want to communicate with the author. You can also feel free to access them. We will be glad to add those features to our website. Thank you!