You are currently viewing Levophed (NorAdrenaline) Dose Calculator

Levophed (NorAdrenaline) Dose Calculator

Levophed (Noradrenaline) Dose Calculator

Levophed (NorAdrenaline) Dose Calculator

Based on calculations of 1 vial of 4mg in 50cc NS

CountryBrand Name of Norepinephrine (Levophed)
PakistanNoradrenaline B.P
Please note that the availability of specific brands might vary over time and according to the specific region within these countries. It’s always best to check with a local healthcare provider or pharmacy for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

The mathematical formulas it uses are as follows:

  1. Dose per minute (mcg/min): dosePerMinute = (dose * 80) / 60
  2. Dose per kilogram per minute (mcg/kg/min): dosePerKgPerMinute = dosePerMinute / weight

Let’s work through three examples:

Example 1:

Assume the dose is 100 mcg and the patient’s weight is 70 kg.

Dose per minute: (100 * 80) / 60 = 133.33 mcg/min. This is then rounded to 133.3 mcg/min.
Dose per kg per minute: 133.33 / 70 = 1.90 mcg/kg/min. This is then rounded to 1.90 mcg/kg/min.

Example 2:

Assume the dose is 120 mcg and the patient’s weight is 80 kg.

Dose per minute: (120 * 80) / 60 = 160 mcg/min. This is then rounded to 160.0 mcg/min.
Dose per kg per minute: 160 / 80 = 2 mcg/kg/min. This is then rounded to 2.00 mcg/kg/min.

Example 3:

Assume the dose is 150 mcg and the patient’s weight is 60 kg.

Dose per minute: (150 * 80) / 60 = 200 mcg/min. This is then rounded to 200.0 mcg/min.
Dose per kg per minute: 200 / 60 = 3.33 mcg/kg/min. This is then rounded to 3.33 mcg/kg/min.

Please note that these calculations are based on the assumption that the drug is being delivered at a constant rate of 80 mcg per minute. The actual delivery rate might vary depending on the specific infusion pump used and the clinical situation of the patient.

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